Reasons To Replace Missing Teeth with a Dental Bridge

Reasons To Replace Missing Teeth with a Dental Bridge

Reasons To Replace Missing Teeth with a Dental Bridge

A missing tooth should be tended to as quickly as possible. If you delay the replacement of the tooth, the open space will gradually collect food particles, bacteria, and other gunk. The adjacent teeth might even start to slip toward to open area. One of the best solutions for your missing tooth is a dental bridge. Here is a look at bridges, how they work and why they are so useful.

Dental Bridge Basics

The underlying principle behind every type of dental bridge is that it functions as a fake tooth that is supported with nearby teeth. In some cases, dental implants are used to help the dental bridge. Once the dental bridge is in place, it serves as an adequate replacement for the lost tooth. Dental bridges are comprised of materials like gold, porcelain and even a fusion of porcelain and metal. If you opt for a dental bridge, you should be willing to perform a thorough clean beneath them and maintain a high level of oral hygiene.

Dental Bridges Take Less Time Than Most Think

If it is determined dental bridges are the optimal treatment option, the teeth that support the bridge will be prepared. The dentist takes an impression and sends it to the lab technician. This specialist creates the bridge following the specifics of the impression. The bridge is then analyzed to determine if it is the perfect fit and provides the proper look. Once the bridge is tested out and confirmed to be ideal, the dentist will apply a different cement to connect the bridge, so it functions for years to come. Bridges are excellent alternatives to other options like removable dentures. Bridges are fixed in position and hard to identify in the mouth, regardless of how close onlookers are.

Bridge Care is Easy

Bridges must be appropriately cared for to prolong their useful life and appearance. Brush two times per day. Floss after each meal. Rinse with an anti-bacterial mouthwash after each teeth cleaning session to ward off gum disease and tooth decay. Take care of your mouth, and you will find your dental bridge stands the test of time.

There are Several Different Bridge Types Available, Each With Unique Advantages

Traditional dental bridges involve the creation of a crown for the tooth in question or even a dental implant on either side of the open space. A pontic is placed in between. Conventional bridges are the most commonly used bridge. They are comprised of either ceramics or porcelain connected to metal. If there are adjacent teeth to a single side of the missing chomper, a cantilever bridge might prove optimal. Alternatively, Maryland bonded bridges made of porcelain or porcelain connected to metal are available in which wings are bonded to teeth.

Still, have questions? Contact our office today to find out more and let us help guide you in making the right decision.

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